Yatteraneeze!Chapter 26
Drama Romance Shounen ai Yaoi

From DokiDoki: Fujimoto Hiroya is at the top of his class. He's the Student Council Vice President, spends all his time studying, and is the idol of all the "good girls". But the truth is, he'd trade it all just for the chance to be someone else... someone popular, outgoing and carefree... Someone like Masaki. Masaki's what Fujimoto's friends would call an "idiot". He'd rather play soccer than study, almost never cracks a book, and is popular with all the "normal" kids. He's got flashy clothes, bleached hair and a reputation just as lousy as Fujimoto's is good. In the summer of Fujimoto's freshman year of high school, he resolves to change his image and his life... all to make friends with Masaki. But can dyed hair, new clothes and a piercing really change a person inside? Half-sequel (spin-off): Halfmoon Emotion.

Fujimi OrchestraChapter 5
Drama Yaoi

From mochi*mochi: Morimura Yuuki, concertmaster at Fujimi Citizens Orchestra, loves music and his small, amateurish, but tight-knit group at Fujimi. His world is shaken up when a brilliant, new conductor, Tounoin Kei, is recruited to breathe life into their music and orchestra. Yuuki feels Tounoin's high demands will do nothing but chase away the members, but when he draws more from them than they ever thought possible, Yuuki reconsiders his own motives for staying at Fujimi. Obviously, the newcomer Tounoin understands Fujimi more than Yuuki ever did and even has the girl that Yuuki's been in love with for the past three years, at his feet. Nursing a wounded pride Yuuki resigns from Fujimi, but Tounoin has other ideas...

Haginokouji Seiya-sama no RanChapter 4
Supernatural Yaoi

Bathed in fame, authority, assets... The noble family of Kyoto Haginokouji. Seiya-sama the next head of the family, has just reached the age of 16 and still goes to high school. With anarchistic family customs, he can't stand having to keep his life a secret! His sole ally? The handsome level-headed Takakura Yoshiki. He plays the role as the Haginokouji family's young and skillful private secretary, but when it comes to his young master's childish antics, he melts on the spot...! The series is incomplete because Tohjoh Asami passed away due to illness.

Halfmoon EmotionChapter 4
Drama Romance Yaoi

It's been about 2 years since the end of Yatteraneeze! and Chisato and Kanae have FINALLY gotten their shit together... or have they? They still fight all the time, clash at work and glare at each other across the breakfast table. But a little adversity has a funny way of bringing people together... Halfmoon Emotion is a sidestory to Yatteraneeze! written by Akizuki Koh (Fujimi Orchestra), with illustrations by Koide Mieko. read from right to left.