The cold-hearted prince and the hated witch's happy life plan ~The sinful witch uses the sins of her past life~Chapter 1.1

Liese was hated and feared as the "Black Flame Witch" and condemned by Prince Cain. She was sentenced to death and thought her life was over... but the next moment, she was reborn as a baby! "I don't want to live that life again. I'll have a second life... a peaceful, happy life!" Having changed her selfish ways from her previous life, Liese spent her childhood hiding out in the witches' village, hiding her overwhelming magical powers. All she had to do was avoid being found by the ruthless Prince Cain - or so she thought, but she was reborn even earlier than in her previous life. “黒炎の魔女”と忌まれ畏れられ、王子・カインに断罪されたリーゼ。死刑になって人生終了…と思った次の瞬間、赤ちゃんの頃の自分に生まれ直してしまった!!「もうあんな人生は嫌だ、二度目の人生…平穏なハッピーライフを送ってやる!」前世の身勝手を改めたリーゼは、強すぎる魔力を隠し、魔女の里で隠れるように子供時代を過ごす。とにかく、あの冷酷無比な王子・カインに見つからなければいいだけ――のはずが、前世よりも早くにカインが訪れて…!?今世も逃げられないのかよ!?魔女VS王子の、転生×リベンジ×バトルラブ!?