Ouran Koukou Host Bu (Official)Chapter 83.6
Comedy Drama Romance

One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the "Host Club," a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To pay back the damages, she is forced to work for the club, and it's there that she discovers just how wealthy the boys are and how different they are from everybody else.

Urakata!! (Official)Chapter 39
Drama Romance

The Art Squad has always felt like home to its members, but as their chief’s final year winds down, doubts begin to assail them all. Tomu worries he has no talent, Ruka decides to quit the club early to live up to family expectations, Izumi’s amnesia finally starts to get to him, and Maasa plans to give up zombies in order to find a man. Now it’s up to Ranmaru, the newest and most neurotic club member, to save the spirit of Art Squad!

Ouran High School Host ClubChapter 0
Comedy Drama Romance

A bonus comic from the Ouran High School Host Club movie fanbook! The other members tell Haruhi the story of their early days as a club, before their personas were fully-formed.