Do You Want to Try?Chapter 17
Comedy Drama Romance

When the hot-tempered Han Hye Won accidently insults the handsome jjang of Han Hwa Go, Sunwoo Bin decides to pay her a visit... with his entire motorcycle gang, ready to see some blood. So how does that lead up to a kiss and the infamous captain begging for a date? Do you want to try?

My BeastChapter 1

Hae Jun is obsessed with Sae Young. He wants her to be his, but he also wants her to come freely to him so he targets her sister instead. Wanting to protect her, Sae Young finally gives in to Jun's pressure and agrees to be "his woman". She expects him to treat her horribly, but from time to time she starts to see a gentle side of him. Her sister is also not the victim who she poses to be and little by little Sae Young finds herself trapped in some very twisted "love games". Is what Hae Jun claims to feel for her really love?

Funny Money Rich GirlChapter 5
Comedy Romance

A very poor high school girl finds a very rare brand dog on her way home. Grateful for her help the dog’s owner gives her a huge house as an award, but, in order to have it she must continue to take care of Gold, the dog that she found. Will the money be worth it?

Honey, Why Can't We Get a Divorce?Chapter 10
Drama Romance

I've become 'Ophelia Regen,' the villainess in a trashy romance novel. Before I end up falling for the schemes of the protagonists and facing a pathetic demise, I want to hurry up and divorce Ophelia’s husband, 'Silvester Regen,' and find my way to freedom. But the conditions he set are ridiculous. "Ophelia, you want a divorce? Try to win the crown prince over." How am I supposed to charm him when the original female lead is right there? Plus, in the original story, Ophelia ends up getting killed by him! But I still have to pull this off, for my successful divorce! How on earth am I going to seduce a crown prince who hates me more than a fly?