The Italian Billionaire's Ruthless RevengeChapter 0
Drama Romance

Celibate Sara is enjoying her yacht vacation—at least until she runs into the last man on Earth she wanted to see! Guido is a businessman with a godlike body, and also happened to be Sara’s husband, if briefly. Ten years ago, their young marriage fell apart because of his family’s cruel treatment of her. Now that they’ve met again, Guido pressures her to be his mistress! While Sara is unhappy with the proposal, she resolves to let him have her body in order to protect her friends, who could end up in deep debt at Guido’s whim. Oh, but she’ll play the part of an experienced woman to the bitter end…


Pippa has been a guest at the Alderly estate for a long while, ever since her father went missing. With few apparent prospects, she does her best not to be a burden on Lady Alderly and those around her. Meanwhile, Hermione, the young lady of the house, waits for Dominic Alderly to return from the war so they can be wed. But when Dominic returns, his war wounds horrify everyone who has been waiting for him. The only one who doesn’t seem to mind them is the compassionate Pippa, whose beauty and kindness quickly capture Dominic’s heart.