Absolute Duo (Official)Chapter 22
Action Ecchi Romance Supernatural

To avenge the death of his younger sister, Tor Kokonoe enters the prestigious Koryo Academy, a high school dedicated to training its students to wield Blaze—individualized weapons that are manifestations of one’s soul. While the future of a student is often determined by the form their weapon takes, Tor is an Irregular, whose Blaze appears as a shield instead of a melee weapon. How can Tor possibly learn to use his defensive abilities to fight effectively? That’s when the Duo system comes in, a program where students are paired up as battle mates, classmates and roommates. Tor’s is paired with a silver-haired girl from Scandinavia named Julie Sigtuna, who possesses a power the likes of which has never been seen, and shares his thirst for revenge.

Absolute DuoChapter 22
Action Ecchi Romance

ã??Blazeã??â?? That is a weapon made by materialising your own soul with your enhanced will power. I, Tooru Kokonoe, have that ability which is said to be possessed only by one in every one thousand people, so it was decided that I would enrol in Kouryou academy that gives out ã??Blazeã??, and a school that teaches battle techniques. But for unknown reason, my ã??Blazeã?? didnâ??t have a shape of a weapon but a protector, and it takes the form of a ã??Shieldã??. (from http://www.baka-tsuki.org/project/index.php?title=Absolute-Duo)

Absolute Duo - Tea PartyChapter 1
Action Comedy Romance Supernatural

Absolute Duo - Tea Party is a spin off of the original series. this spin-off focuses on the girls and summarizes the events to the chapter 5 of the manga and finish introducing a new character.