Gabriel The LegendChapter 21
Action Shounen

Naive young Gabriel Stumbles into a Universe governed by the Hierarchy of the Orders of creation. The species of Gods being the 6th order, rule over the 7th and 8th (humans) order and the entire universe with an iron fist. Having memories of his home on earth stolen from him, he now has to find a way to end this Order of Tyranny. But with 1000s of leagues of Gods in his way to the top, the race to the throne has begun. Little does he know, he doesn belong to either of the 3 orders of creation. Will he claim the throne and change the future or will HE be the one to destroy the future that he sought to save.

Rapture callChapter 0
Action Shounen

If you’ve ever wondered, what happened to the Gods of the ancient world? Where did they come from? Why did they disappear so suddenly? You’re about to find your answers here. Little Gabriel has stumbled into the world we’ve been blind to all this time. The vast expanse of Creation is ripe for the Conquering. The only ones standing in his way are the legions of Gods of the old and the New age!