Dryden's BrideChapter 12

The rebellious Sian is saved by a one-eyed knight! Sian, a descendant of an infamous rebel, never had the opportunity to learn the manners of a noblewoman, and her brother is constantly critical of her. One day, while taking a break from her suffocating situation, Sian is attacked by a boar in the forest. But she’s saved by a one-eyed knight, who shoots the beast with an arrow. He’s a scary-looking man with a scar on his face, but Sian is immediately taken by his kindness. She falls for him, but little does she know her love might never be reciprocated…

Bride of the IsleChapter 1

Get out, ye bloodthirsty half-breed!" Since the infamous Battle of Falkirk, Cristiane MacDhiubh had these words -- and worse -- hurled at her in the village streets. Half Scot, half English, she could claim no place as home -- until the Lord of Bitterlee, as gallant a knight as any could dream, came in search of a bride...! Marriage had been naught but sadness for Adam Sutton, yet duty demanded he wed again. Cristiane MacDhiubh, as fey and wild as his own island fiefdom, might rouse his forgotten passions. But brave of heart though she might be, could Cristiane ever heal his sorrowing soul?