Cat Boys! (Official)Chapter 9
Comedy Yaoi

Tori, Ashi, and Chika are friends with a family-like dynamic. They gather for their regular drinking party and talk about Tori's usual carefree attitude, Ashi's usual denial of self and his narcissist boyfriend-not-boyfriend, and Chika's usual not getting any from his boyfriend of one year. Every day is a new update on each other's lives and how they all approach romance from extremely different angles.

Cat Boys!Chapter 9
Comedy Yaoi

The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised. Tori, Ashi, and Chika are friends with a family-like dynamic. They gather for their regular drinking party and talk about Tori's usual carefree attitude, Ashi's usual denial of self and his narcissist boyfriend-not-boyfriend, and Chika's usual not getting any from his boyfriend of one year. Every day is a new update on each other's lives and how they all approach romance from extremely different angles.