Concerto For Dark KnightChapter 18
Romance Supernatural

The eternal search for his love, against the short life cycle... to meet their commitment from five hundred years ago that they'll never forget. 500 years ago, a vampire prince fell in love with a human girl, but the girl eventually died because of the different life cycle. Sad vampire prince wanted to transform back to human, to avoid suffering from such pain again and he finally found the "return" method... The story takes place in current time, 500 years later. The ordinary girl is living an ordinary life, but the encounter with the vampire disturbed her peaceful life. A romantic concerto is about to play!

Concerto for Dark NightChapter 15
Romance Supernatural

An eternal quest for his true love, against the clock…To keep their centuries-old vow.Five hundred years ago, a vampire prince and a girl fell in love. However, the girl was only human, with a human life-span, and she eventually passed on. In sorrow, the prince searched for a way to turn himself back into a human, to avoid feeling that pain again… Current day, and the girl has been reborn into a peaceful life, and the prince has found a way to “return”… A romantic concerto is about to begin!Original link: