Sense No (Kari) OshigotoChapter 1
Comedy Romance

"A Job of A Temporary Teacher (Main Story): Determined and enthusiastic university student, Takuma Inumaru, has returned to his old high school as a student teacher. Despite his efforts to get along with the students and teachers at this school, smart and aloof student, Seiya Kizaki finds Inumaru-sensei as more of an annoyance than a figure of authority. Inumaru-sensei will have to handle this troublesome student but it proves to be a bigger challenge when Kizaki's sadistic tendencies are unleashed on him.A Relationship of Absolute Service: One night, while out drinking with the Badminton club, Migamo kisses fellow club member Tanishi in front of everyone as a ""joke."" Before this, Migamo noticed his gaze was always set upon Tanishi but never really understood why. Convincing himself he holds no ulterior motives, he will use his ""good junior"" act to get closer to Tanishi."