Peacock King (Official)Chapter 120
Action Drama Horror Mature

When people have problems of a spiritual nature, they know who to go to for help - high up in Mt. Koya, where the Koya Hijiri live, there is a young man named Kujaku, after the Peacock Wisdom King Mahamayuri. With his spiritual skills, chasing back malicious spirits is a piece of cake for fearless Kujaku - but are these daily threats all that life has in store for him?

Peacock KingChapter 67
Ecchi Horror


KujakuouChapter 66
Action Drama Horror Mature

A young mystic without a past, Kujaku was born under a dark omen possessed of incredible supernatural powers. Raised by priests, he has learned to use these powers for good. But the evil Siegfried von Mittgard seeks to steal his birthright, and rule the world as the Regent of Darkness. He has dispatched bloodthirsty minions to destroy Kujaku before he can awaken to his destiny. Now, Kujaku must unravel the riddle of his past, before the power within consumes him!