A Suitable Fetish [Official]Chapter 1
Comedy Drama Romance

Sakuramori Miu is, by all appearances, a prim and proper young lady with a respectable job in planning and development. There’s no way she could be anything but vanilla and innocent! But when she’s off the clock and behind closed doors, Miu’s got a taste for more sensual pleasures and fetishes. To her surprise, her sales manager, Takeda Shiro, is also hiding his own secret fantasies behind his buttoned-up reputation. When the two match their desires, they’ll make for one steamy office romance!

A Suitable FetishChapter 1
Comedy Drama

Sakuramori Miu is, by all appearances, a prim and proper young lady with a respectable job in planning and development. There's no way she could be anything but vanilla and innocent! But when she's off the clock and behind closed doors, Miu's got a taste for more sensual pleasures and fetishes. To her surprise, her sales manager, Takeda Shiro, is also hiding his own secret fantasies behind his buttoned-up reputation. When the two match their desires, they'll make for one steamy office romance!