All Manga, Character Designs and Logos are © to their respective copyright holders.
Your Name director Makoto Shinkai’s latest movie Weathering with You gets a complete manga adaptation with beautiful art and delicate depictions by up-and-coming artist Wataru Kubota!! The summer of freshman year of high school. A boy named Hodaka runs away from his island home and goes to Tokyo, where he spends every day in loneliness. Then, in a corner of the bustling city, he meets a girl named Hina. But he soon finds out that she possesses a mysterious power. Afternoon Four Seasons Award winner Wataru Kubota illustrates the complete manga version of the latest film by Makoto Shinkai, the international acclaimed director of Your Name!
The manga adaptation of anime wizard Makoto Shinkai's (Your Name) short film about a woman who lives alone with her cat—now also an anime television series. “It was the start of spring. It was raining. That was the day that she brought me home.” This is the story of Miyu, a woman who lives alone with her cat, Chobi. As Miyu navigates the world of adulthood, she discovers both the freedom and loneliness that come with living independently, and Chobi learns of the outside world through her actions. Time drifts slowly for Miyu and her cat, but the harsh realities of the world soon catch up …
A girl stranded in a small lakeside village deep within the mountains, Mitsuha, and a boy caught up in the oddly orderly chaos of bustling Tokyo, Taki, begin to dream of another, unfamiliar life. Before long, they realize that they aren’t dreaming at all, but actually switching bodies. Separated even further apart than they ever would have imagined, yet still somehow inexplicably connected, they search for the truth behind their strange phenomenon and discover what really happened on that fateful night when the stars rained from the sky.
Based on Makoto Shinkai's film, Byousoku 5 Centimeter follows the life of Tohno Takaki, Shinozaki Akari, and Sumida Kanae. The manga follows the three and their different view points as they chronicle their way through life.
Can a poem save your life? Words are powerful. Insults and rumors can derail a career; a bit of encouragement can give someone the strength to pursue their dreams. When a high school boy skipping class to sketch shoe designs and a taciturn woman drinking a morning beer meet in a Tokyo park, they say little, but the woman bids farewell with an ancient tanka poem. Will the boy figure out the poem's meaning and its corresponding response before it's too late?
To what distance would you go for your one true love? In a future filled with a boundless potential for interstellar peace and prosperity, Mikako joins a research team to explore the recent contact between humans and alien races. She ventures out into space, leaving behind Noboru, the one young man she loves. As she travels deeper into this new frontier, her only connection with her boyfriend is through cell-phone text messages. But the years pass, and Mikako barely ages in the timelessness of space--while Noboru grows older and considers moving on with his life. In this timeless romance between star-crossed lovers in the most tragic of settings, there are some places man may not be ready to go.