Love BarometerChapter 63
Romance Webtoons

Chaewoon is back in school after taking 2 years off. She doesn't want any trouble and wants to graduate without any incident but she can't seem to help but get entangled with not only the most popular guy in the department, Sado, but also the hot-blooded freshmen Mingyu! So much for wanting a quiet school year!

MnemosyneChapter 31

What is the first thing you remember? For high school genius Calliope, it’s death. A bus crash, her best friend, her memories, they’re all gone except for one: Brantley Pharmaceuticals. The world’s leading technology company, they promise eternal life and...they’ve taken Calliope hostage. Experiment after experiment, her memories become clearer and clearer but reality all the more confusing. Where is she? What happened to her friend? And is she even Calliope…