SWIP SWOPChapter 12
Action Comedy Drama Horror

The bustling metropolis called Yakusoku, known to many as the "City of Promise," is filled with chaos and mischief. Gang warfare, government corruption, and the supernatural all run rampant across this plagued community. In the midst of it all, a rabbit loving bounty hunter, a young billionaire, a normal high school student, and those aligned with them will have their lives intertwined whether it's by choice or by chance. There will be people to meet, battles to fight and mysteries to solve. If we're being honest, some of you are just here to hang out, and that's cool too. We hope you enjoy your stay, but don't say we didn't warn you.

Meow FunChapter 1

Meow Fun: An ordinary cat worker, Dan danmian. Because of work he has to live in his foodie cousin Q Jiao's dorm room. Life is just one fun thing after another, meeting new humans and cats alike.

Mobile Suit Gundam N-ExtremeChapter 8
Action Shounen

One day, Amagi Sai and Ebihara Chikage are transported to another world by a mysterious woman who wants them to save the world. The first volume of the collaboration comic for the popular arcade game "Mobile Suit Gundam EXVS.2 XB" is now available!

Ensemble Stars! - SCOUTChapter 0
Drama Shounen ai

A story where after the day Tetora and Midori have a fight, Tetora is in a world where Midori is a student in the regular course.

RelievedChapter 1

A woman dealing with a breakup, shown through the perspective of her closest companion.

Fun! Fun! Fun!Chapter 1
Action Comedy Supernatural

Human emotion is an extremely efficient source of energy, which the Circus Department uses for its own purposes. In the circus, clowns compete against each other in an attempt to provoke the greatest burst of feelings in the audience using their innate qualities and incredible abilities. However, even the strongest cry of circus animals is often not heard behind the constant applause of the happy crowd.

The Wizard's ApprenticeChapter 0


The Wizard's Apprentice [ Anxious Frogs Scanlations ]Chapter 0

Abelibe was troubled with her inability to have a grasp of the different magical elements and is worried that her incompetence would disappoint her teacher. She decided to turn to the mysterious creatures of Sylvana forest to gain strength.

Another sequence(unofficial)Chapter 2
Romance Smut Yaoi

A genius actor Do Yeon-woo, whose every moment in his life is a method acting, and two men who entered his scene. Seo Tae-hyuk, a movie director from the entertainment industry, and a sex partner who has been sharing for a long time, and Han Yoo-bin, a young but fateful idol from a dirt spoon, came to be like a romance movie. A new sequence of three begins...

Beware of your ShadowChapter 1
Action Horror Shounen

In a world where shadows devour humans, a young girl tries to survive.

Aung San Suu Kyi: The Fighting PeacockChapter 3

Aung San Suu Kyi: Tatakau Kujaku ("Aung San Suu Kyi: The Fighting Peacock"), by cartoonist Akatsu Mizuha, was first released by publisher Oakla Shuppan as part of a series of manga on Nobel Prize winners. It depicts Suu Kyi's early life, examining the impact of the political legacy of her father, assassinated independence leader Aung San, and ends with her receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991." - The Irrawaddy.

Vivdred OperationChapter 2

not found...

Green forestChapter 0
Drama Yuri

Green Forest is created for MG Project (Project for Millions of Girls) which includes different stories and aims to visualize and record women's struggles and their voices that are being erased through the "female protagonist" collection of black & white comic strips.

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