Chigachi Fuuta an ordinary high school student who really admires ninjas is gifted with an extraordinary legacy, namely the soul of Hattori Hanzo, a legendary ninja. But because of that legacy, Chigachi Fuuta is targeted by various shinobi and ninja who still survive in the modern era. Can Chigachi Fuuta overcome these obstacles?
A comedic duel in a world where the outcome of a weapon-based battle between 2 salesmen is used to determine the right to make a pitch to the customers.
Kyosuke's brother Aoi was part of a hit band, until he dove in front of a car to save Kyosuke and became a vegetable. Now, two years later, Kyosuke, who once dreamed of becoming a singer like his brother, has given up that dream.Â
Oneshot from Over TimeAn award winning oneshot about a baseball shonen story.
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